Wednesday 19 May 2010

i write

I write

I write when I’m happy I write when I’m sad I write when I’m lonely I write when I’m mad I write when I’m crazy I write when I’m sane I write from the loss with all to the gain

I write for endeavour I write for release I write for a purpose I write for some peace I write for my future I write from my past I write in pure fury I talk out my ass

I write in the hope that things will change soon I write and I trust in the turn of the moon I write in exhaustion I write for my smile I write and I hope and I think all the while

I write for the shhhhhhhh and the loud and the proud I write for my eyes which are cloudy now now I write for the clack of the keys and the sense and the order of things which eludes me hence hence

I write from the heart I write from my head I write at my desk on the bus in my bed I write with no stops or commas or caps I write in frustration at all of you chaps

I write from the chaos I write for the soothe I write for some way of solving the prove I write for no one I write for you all I write from the depths I write to enthral

I write

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